Lego reminds most of us of our childhood times, sitting on the carpet in our room, very concentrated in creating something of our own world. As brands already know that selling pleasant emotions is the key to success, Lego is extending his products to a whole new audience. Now they came up with this Lego camera aimed at teeny human friends. In fact, I think we will all buy it, with or without having children. Is it just my love for these bricks or lately they are everywhere?
The brick candles
After seeing the Nintendo approach on mixing sounds, one of my readers told me about Legoloop, a very cool projects that units Lego and music. The idea evolved out of the preoccupation with the term "live" in electronic club culture and the related melting of the two formerly separated roles of the DJ and the producer. The turntable and the computer are linked up to each other and form a new interface which allows a visual approach towards sample based digital sound generation. Lego bricks take over the functions of knobs, sliders, mouse and keyboard. A video camera replaces the needle as pick-up. Structures of sounds can be built, changed and destroyed intuitively. The cameras register the position and colour of the Lego blocks or rather, the sequence or pattern that these make when revolving with the turntable. I say, WOW! Must admit the sound is veeeeeeeery strange.
Please feel free to share your Lego experiences and discoveries with me. Let's get into the Lego mood!
This Design-Blog shows a great Lego-Version of Le Corbusier's Villa Savoye. Fantastic...
wow, it looks amazing!
look what the crazy Lego guys just launched:
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