Tuesday, May 5, 2009


London is roller skating! You would think, yeah, OK...but people are roller skating since the 18th century. What is new? As every trend, social actions come and go out of fashion. They always come back when you least expect and with additional details, adornings that make things so wanted again.

Now, roller skating is turning London crazy. It is a frenzy! And they do it the cool way, buying the classical roller skates. Remember them? I am a fan of the vintage influence in our lives now, just that sometimes I feel like I am repeating myself...but, honestly...that's what's going on! Vintage is taking over our lives and now it's into the roller skating. It came as a surprise for me the fact that not only women but also man buy this kind of skates again. I always thought it's more like a girly thing, as I remember mine, white with pink wheels. These days roller skates is among the most popular search words on e-bay and they have more models for men!

The question is how far will this go? Will Manolo start designing roller blades too? Will Louis Vuitton put the monograms on some skates? Till then, see ya rolling in Hyde Park.