What's your favorite bookstore? Think of its colours, smell, sound and of how do you feel there. Hmmmm... Ok, stop! Now imagine that Ciclic is 10 times better than that.
I don't know if you are the same but I could spend days inside bookstores, scanning every book, wanting to buy each and every one. This could really be a problem because I wouldn't have enough space to store them in my house and not even money to buy food.
Ciclic is a design/architecture/art/photography books heaven. It was lovely listening to Dave (the owner) how he talks about books like they were his babies. You can always find him there, chatting with the customers and recommending the best titles. He changed my perspective on books. The most interesting insight was about books as means of expression for the repressed artist, the one that has no other way to show his art, as it is considered to be tabu/too weird/aggressive/sexual to come out otherwise. And as if this wasn't enough, they also have a really well supplied video shop.
Wrapping up, even if you are a book fan or not, Ciclic should be among your landmarks in Barcelona.
Ciclic is a design/architecture/art/photography books heaven. It was lovely listening to Dave (the owner) how he talks about books like they were his babies. You can always find him there, chatting with the customers and recommending the best titles. He changed my perspective on books. The most interesting insight was about books as means of expression for the repressed artist, the one that has no other way to show his art, as it is considered to be tabu/too weird/aggressive/sexual to come out otherwise. And as if this wasn't enough, they also have a really well supplied video shop.
Wrapping up, even if you are a book fan or not, Ciclic should be among your landmarks in Barcelona.
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