Last year, rock innovators Radiohead shot a video for House of Cards. No cameras or lights were used. Instead two technologies captured 3D images: Geometric Informatics and Velodyne LIDAR. Geometric Informatics scanning systems produce structured light to capture 3D images at close proximity, while a Velodyne Lidar system that uses multiple lasers is used to capture large environments such as landscapes. In this video, 64 lasers rotating and shooting in a 360 degree radius 900 times per minute produced all the exterior scenes.
Are you among those who understand each and every word of what I just said? I must admit I am not that good when it comes to technical details though I like to think of myself as a technology oriented person. When I first saw this video I felt really outdated and I was wondering what did I do all this time. Where was I?
Imagine that in 2050 all the information generated until know (since the existence of Earth) will be doubled. I wonder if in a few years time I will still be able to understand something about this world or I will have some kind of 'grandma' syndrome. So this, cloud computing, nanotechnology and what's next?
Shot by James Frost of Zoo Films, the video can be viewed here: HouseOfCards
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