When you are new in a city like Barcelona, you suddenly loose the reference points in life. "To whom or what do I belong to" question conquers your state of mind. Slowly but inevitably you fall in love with the city.
Now I have "my favorites" (barrio, placa, Sunday coffee bar etc), I taste, I feel and I smell the soul of this amazing city every day. It is a place where you can never get bored and I am living the most spontaneous moments ever. So, today I will serve you 3 barrios, situated near the center, each having a typical flavor.
El Raval is my favorite because of its diversity. Ex-Chinese neighborhood, el Raval is now a mixture of old, new, stinky stuff, cool museums, pakis, international phone booths, scary people & very good bars.
Smell\Kebab Taste\LimeColor\Fuchsia - because of its crazinessHighlights\best second hand and vintage shops with workshops included, Casa Camper, MACBA, skaters, CCCB, Madame Jasmine - my very favoriteBarrio Gotico is the aristocratic version of El Raval. Charming and elegant. Smell\pastry Taste\red wine Color\cherry red Highlights\Harlem Jazz Club, small boutiques, funky clothes shops, small art galleries and antique shops.
El Borne is the sweetest barrio in Barcelona. It is packed with cool restaurants, small bars where you can have the time of your life and shops with expensive but extremely beautiful hand made stuff.
Smell\cottonTaste\crepes with cinnamonColor\coralHighlights\El Xampanyet, Creps al Born, wine bars, hand made stuff shops.
As one of my friends says, you cannot know the real face of a city if you haven't lived there for more than 4 months. I will soon celebrate 6 but I am sure that the good stuff is yet to come.