Thursday, April 30, 2009

Keel's diary by Taschen

Have you ever kept a diary?

a) yes, and now I am laughing my heart out when I read it;
b) no, but I have always wanted to keep one - didn't have the time and courage to do it;
c) nooooooo, it is too cheesy and gay.

No matter which one is your answer, tadaaaaaam: Keel's Simple Diary by Taschen. A sweet little book with funny questions that one should fill in. A page for every day, taking not more than 2 minutes of your time and giving you some moments of fun, wisdom and comfort.

Well, to be honest, people need this kind of things. In a world where products are out as soon as they are in, where even our accessories need accessories...we need simple tools. Slowly, we start admitting our need to conquer busy life and actually live. Keel's diary published by Taschen is a book that helps us look inside because we are overloaded outside.

The author, Philipp Keel, so adept at asking questions in his search for understanding who we are and why we do what we do, also provides some compelling, philosophical and witty answers in his new work.

The diary will be released on 2nd of May, so stay tuned! It will be available in various colours, so one could choose the one that best fits his personality. You can buy it for yourself or give it as a present. I had a sneak preview ;) It is lovely!


Pak+ said...

Ahh, still dont know if i will use one but is quite tempting. Nice!

Roxana said...

Nice indeed. Couldn't help notice, though, the Taschen collection in the back :)And when you think that's just a small part of it ... said...

Well, yes...I cannot hide it anymore. I am a Taschen fan! :D

pay per head said...

hey guys that,s really amazing posts...