I am a coffee lover. Usually I am more the caffè
latte type but since I tasted the Nespresso capsules I can enjoy the pure coffee taste more than ever. Wow, sounds like an advertising testimonial, right? But they don't pay me for writing so, you can believe me.In fact, Nespresso is a system, mainly meaning the possibility of using the capsules, that works on various espresso machines. And here comes the second reason why I like it: The Design. Hmmm...is this the second or the first one? Well, they both blend just perfect.I think, making your own espresso at home has never been this fun and trendy. From the machine, either Krups or Delonghi - both have this retro modern look, inspired by the city life and skyscrapers (the 'collection's' name is Citiz) - to the colorful, elegant capsules, everything is so cool and well designed. And then there's the store experience. Today I went to the one on Passeig de Gracia in Barcelona and I tell you it is amazing. They sure treat coffee like art. A big round of applause for the visual merchandiser director.The grandiose entrance

The huge wall, all covered with capsule boxes. Looks like a bookstore.